You can’t be everywhere all the time. Teaching and modelling safe habits, setting rules and limits, and building trust are key to safe online experiences.
Supervise device use.
Supervised device use is most practical for younger children. Set boundaries and build good habits now to lay the foundation for teens.
Supervised device use doesn’t mean you have to sit directly with the child. It could simply mean you are nearby and ready to help.
Having children use devices without headphones can help you stay connected with the content they are watching.
- Go online together.
Learn about the games and content a child or children are interested in.
Talk to them about content, chats, and in-app purchasing.
Have them show you their favourite websites, apps, and games so you can understand where and how they spend their time online.
- Talk it out.
Talk to kids and teens regularly about what they are doing and who they are meeting online.
Be positive and don’t be reactive. Check-in to see if they’re worried about anything they’ve seen or heard. Engage with them and be sure they understand the trusted adults they can go to if something happens.
- How to handle online risks.
As children become more comfortable online, teach them skills to manage unwanted website, pop-ups, ads, and search results.
Encourage them to step away from their devices and have real-world conversations.
Think before you post. What are the
consequences of posting words or
images online.